
Latest Past Events

Minutes & Report Writing Skills Masterclass

Morogoro Hotel-Morogoro Rwegasore Road, Forest Area P. O Box 1144,, Morogoro

Many individuals are assigned the responsibility of taking minutes during meetings, even if they are not the board secretary or a personal assistant. It is a task that is assigned to anyone attending the meeting, as accurate minutes are crucial for the success of any organization. Taking minutes during a meeting can be a challenging ...


Leadership & Management Masterclass

Morogoro Hotel-Morogoro Custom Street, Morogoro

This masterclass is an opportunity to learn from industry experts, with knowledge and years offirsthand experience, network with fellow professionals and gain insights that will elevate yourleadership and management capabilities AIM & OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM During the program, attendees will acquire valuable approaches to guiding teams, efficiently overseeing resources, and propelling organizational achievements. The ...


Excellent Customer Care Masterclass

Morogoro Hotel Rwegasore Road, Forest Area, Morogoro

AIMS & OBECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM This customer care training is essential for employees as it addresses issues that can help a business to provide excellent customer service at whose end improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, increase employee engagement TARGETED PARTICIPANTS
